The Plastic-Free July community conversation on July 17th was well attended! Thank you for joining us!
Big thanks to WM for co-hosting and providing a lot of great information on recycling, so we can do our best to recycle plastic more effectively in our community.
We're also grateful to special guests: David Garcia, Nevada County Solid Waste Division program manager, and Chris Newsom, Rotary Club Environmental Sustainability Committee Chair.
Key takeaways from the evening were that plastics, especially single-use plastics, are hazardous and far too ubiquitous in our lives, and that we can't burn, bury, or recycle our way out of the plastic crisis. We talked about the importance of stopping plastics at the source by seeking better alternatives and telling businesses that we would like them to offer more sustainable alternatives. Voting with our dollars is much more effective when we let businesses know what's driving our buying choices. Scroll down on this page to view some of the information shared at the event.
As we closed out the evening, many of us pledged to rethink, refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle (when we do end up with plastics). Though our individual actions may seem insignificant, together we are a powerful force in catalyzing change.
Those who missed the event or did not have a chance to take the pledge with us, may do so at any time via the button below or our Plastic Pledge page. We will share with local businesses how many of us in the community are serious about significantly reducing plastics in our lives.